

The non-thesis Masters of Zoology Concentration is specifically tailored to the interests of students who wish to pursue a career in zoo-housed animal conservation and education, or who plan on attending a professional school. 

Concentration Chair

Dr. Jenny Campbell

Advising Faculty:

Name Email Website
Areas of Expertise
Black, Betty blblack@ncsu.edu https://bio.sciences.ncsu.edu/people/blblack/ Zoology
Campbell, Jennifer jlcampbe@ncsu.edu https://bio.sciences.ncsu.edu/people/jlcampbe/ Zoology
Engell, Miles mdengell@ncsu.edu https://bio.sciences.ncsu.edu/people/mdengell/
Behavior and Evolution
Ferzli, Miriam mgferzli@ncsu.edu https://bio.sciences.ncsu.edu/people/mgferzli/ Zoology
Hartsone-Rose, Adam AdamHRose@ncsu.edu HartstoneRoseLab.wordpress.ncsu.edu
Functional Morphology; anatomy, especially comparative; STEM engagement, especially in informal STEM learning institutions